We’ve been working with Millbrook for the last decade. Whilst their wonderful environment makes for a great visit any time of the year, Autumn has to be a highlight.
There is a magic to it. Maybe even a romance. A brisk walk on a clear day, when you can see your breath and the fallen, golden leaves crumple deliciously beneath your feet, is uniquely invigorating. It’s a gentle disconnection from the worries of the world.
FRAXINUS excelsior – European/English Ash, golf course planting
We have the FRAXINUS excelsior – European or English Ash. The straight trunk leads to a dense, rounded crown, which takes on a truly regal appearance in autumn as it shimmers in the most vibrant golden colours. It’s easy to see why this fast growing, deciduous tree has a prominent place in many large gardens.
Above: ACER – Maple – selection of varieties in the golf course planting.
Providing the colour and that perfect Autumnal backdrop are trees from around the world. There’s the ACER rubrum – Canadian Maple. It’s tidy, compact and upright, with the most brilliant red leaves in the classic maple leaf shape.
The ACER platanoides – Norway Maple has a more rounded crown and will showcase a golden yellow, giving way to a more fiery red as the season progresses. It’s an excellent shade tree, very hardy and well suited in street and park settings.
Easy Big Trees have supplied a large range of trees and shrubs for this project including:
Native & Evergreen
- BUXUS sempervirens, English Box
- CHINOCLOA rubra, Native Red Tussock
- NOTHOFAGUS solandri, Native Mountain Beech
- PRUNUS lusitanica Portugal Laurel
- VIBURNUM davidii
- ACER griseum, Paperbark Maple
- ACER rubrum, Canadian Maple
- ACER platanoides, Norway Maple
- ALNUS cordata, Italian Alder
- PRUNUS ‘Kanzan’, Upright Cherry, Pink Flowering Cherry
- PRUNUS ‘Shimidsu Sakura’, Moonlight Cherry
- PYRUS calleryana ‘Aristocrat’, Ornamental Pear
- QUERCUS palustris, Pin Oak
- TILIA cordata, Small Leaf Lime/Linden
- ULMUS hollandica ‘Lobel’, Upright Elm
Please click on links above to enquire for further information and availability.
We also welcome indents for trees required for your on coming projects. This is a great way to ensure availabilty with the strong demand accross NZ.