Welcome to our first Heritage Edition email, we aim to release these monthly for your interest.
If you’re not familiar with the Harrison Heritage Collection, these are advanced specimen grade trees that can add an instant storied aesthetic to any landscape. They are used to establish an impression of history, with their fully grown beauty removing the need to patiently wait for growth to achieve a look desired.
In this case, the Spreading Elm will be used as an excellent shade tree, providing a restful place for individuals to relax under deep green foliage of the spreading canopy while complimenting this beautiful Central Otago landscape.

ULMUS glabra ‘Horizontalis’ Heritage Collection 5000lt container (25-30 years old) – Linda enjoying the shade, January 2022
Discovered in a Perth nursery in 1816, Ulmus Horizontalis is also known as the Spreading Elm. A name which would certainly be in line with this description of the tree from the mid 1800’s:
“(it’s) a beautiful tree spreading its branches out in a unique fan like manner, horizontally and at other times almost perpendicularly downwards creating an excellent natural shade umbrella”
Notable examples of Ulmus horizontalis can be found on the grounds of Rathmullan House in County Donegal (Ireland) and in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens (Australia). A third notable example, at least for us, can now also be found in Central Otago, where we delivered a very large Ulmus horizontalis in a 5000lts container. It must be the oldest and largest Harrison’s Heritage Collection Tree delivered to date.
From Nursery to Project – Making Instant Heritage Easy
We’ve been increasing stock in the Harrison’s Heritage Collection, with a number of PRUNUS yedoensis recently moved into 2000lt bags.
Known for its mass of almond scented white flowers in early spring, as the seasons progress, it changes from the warming orange of summer to the type of Autumn red that typifies the romance of the season. The Yoshino Cherry is used extensively in street and garden plantings throughout Southland and Canterbury, a testament to its hardy nature and ability to cope well in both dry and wet climates. Deciduous, it will grow to 5 x 4m and has a compact vase to spreading form.
It just might be our favourite cherry.