The Golden Elm – ULMUS procera ‘Louis Van Houtte’ is one of our most popular Elms. This special selection first known to exisit in Belgium in the late 1800’s.
Attractive hardy tree tolerating many growing conditions. Brightening up any area with it’s vibrant golden to lime green tones. An ideal shade and avenue tree.
Deciduous, growing to 8 x 4m.
Stunning established avenue approx 20 year old trees
ULMUS procera 'Louis Van Houtte'
ULMUS procera ‘Louis van Houtte’, 45lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag) – approx 5-6 year old
Small pompom-like blossom in spring
ULMUS procera ‘Louis van Houtte’, 80lt container @ 3.5-4m+ (measured from top of bag) – approx 7-8 year old
Also available in:
300lt container @ 5m+ (measured from top of bag)
Grouping of Golden Elm as shown at the Highlands Motorsport Park – Cromwell