Happy Holidays from the Team at Easy Big Trees πŸŽ…πŸŽŠ

Easy Big Trees Team - Character
holiday hours - 2022

As 2022 draws to an end

We’d like to say a very big, hearty β€˜Thank You’ to you.

For without the continuing support and loyalty from good people like yourself, we would not be able to be in the business that we love. We are committed to providing an excellent service to you for years to come.

As for next year?Β  We’re busy trying to complete the new nursery blocks, so we can offer a wider, larger range of trees and shrubs than ever before.Β  For us, there’s nothing more exciting than growing more plants and it’s entirely possible we’re getting carried away with it.Β  You’ll have to come and see why if you’re in the area once it’s all done!

Above we have included some footage taken throughout the year for your viewing pleasure.

Happy Holidays - Millbrook, Queenstown

For now, let the sun shine down on you wherever you are.Β  We hope you get to raise a glass, down a few, eat a lot and laugh even more.Β  Here’s to you and a relaxing, joyous holiday season!