Lush Leaved Japanese Maples

Japan’s oldest poetry collection, the Man’yoshu, translates to ‘Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves’ and contains multiple references to Momiji. The reason why is: Momiji is the Japanese Maple. And if ever a tree can inspire poetry, then the Japanese Maple is assuredly one of them.

Now, the Japanese Maple might not inspire the poet in you. But it may very well inspire you to do absolutely nothing. That’s right, absolutely nothing. This is a tranquil tree that brings peace and, a few moments in the presence of its Spring bloom, is to find a serenity where time slows and pressure eases. If trees are good for your health, then Japanese Maples might very well be nature’s vitamins and a daily dose of them is to be highly recommended. Especially from these…

ACER palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ – Deep Red Japanese Maple

This Japanese Maple has wonderful colours. An intense purple in Spring makes way for the famed shades of vibrant reds in Summer. It’s entirely striking, with svelte leaves on a deceptively hardy small branch structure that resists the cold.

  • Deciduous, suits a sunny well-drained spot
  • Suitable for feature or for avenue planting
  • Can grow up to 3x4m

Photo: ACER palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ – Deep Red Japanese Maple in 25/35L container, 2m+ height, 5+ years old.

ACER Bloodgood - Deep Red Japanese Maples at Remarkables Park, Queenstown.

ACER palmatum dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ – Deep Red Weeping Maple

Unlike the upright nature of the above-mentioned maples, ‘Tamukeyama’ gently weeps out and down, a cascading fountain of purple-red leaves that slowly turn to a more fiery red as the seasons progress. For some reason, they seem to work particularly well next to water features, although they do tend to work anywhere, such is their beauty. 

  • Deciduous, prefers moist, well-drained soil
  • Suitable for feature planting
  • Grows up to 1.x1.5m

Photo: ACER palmatum dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ – Deep Red Weeping Maple in 25/35L container, 1.2m height, 5 years old.

Take some time to visit the gardens in your city. Walk and relax by the Japanese Maples as they are looking great, with lush foliage and stunning colours. 

ACER palmatum dissectum ‘Viridis’ – Green Weeping Maple

Small even by maple standards, this petite weeping tree is notable for plumes of lacey green leaves that make for a soft, almost shaggy aesthetic. In Autumn, the vibrant green is lost to yellows and oranges for a gentle reminder the seasons are changing.

  • Deciduous, with cascading form and vibrant Summer green foliage
  • Suitable for specimen, feature, parks and garden planting
  • Can grow up to 1x1m

Photo: ACER palmatum dissectum ‘Viridis’ – Green Weeping Maple in 35L container, 1.2m height, 5 years old.

ACER palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' - Green Weeping Mpale in Autumn colours, Ashburton.
Testimonial Banner from Jennifer, Easy Big Trees client from Wellington.
Harry's Tree Care Tips: Spring is the ideal time to fertilise.
Harry's Tree Care Tips: Spring planting. It's a great time for planting as warmth is creeping into the soil and those Spring showers make sure there's enough moisture for establishment.