Lower Shotover

Whilst our words may be of help, those of a customer (and we should really say friend here now) are more important:

“Through a friend, we were referred to Easy Big Trees in Invercargill and through our several visits to their extensive nursery over more than two years, we have developed a close and friendly relationship with the staff.  From our first visit we identified Easy Big Trees as a business committed to presenting high quality larger size tree specimens, which we were looking for. Our experience with this company has been completely trouble free and we are happy to say that all our plantings from Easy Big Trees are growing extremely well!

It’s a very pleasing recommendation and not unusual for us to forge trusted relationships with long term customers.  Watching their landscape take character, grow and blossom (pun both intended and unintended) brings no small amount of joy.  That is certainly the case with this property in the Lower Shotover.  

The owners have created a highly attractive outdoor area with a selection of deciduous and evergreen trees.  In summer, the area is overwhelmed with the most delicious shades of green and yellow.  It’s an idyllic setting, where children can play and grow.  Free from the burdens of the outside world it becomes an oasis of laughter and memories, heralding the kind of summer days that seemingly last an eternity before giving way to the temperate night and conversations under the stars that might change the world.  At least they would, if not forgotten by the time birds sing the following morning.  

Then by Autumn, the grounds put on their best show.  Especially so the driveway, lit with the fiery, dramatic red of the liquidambars.  From above the trees and plantings almost act as a protective border for the family home.  Not to provide shelter from danger but rather to transport the occupants to another place, where everything tastes just that little bit better and the laughter is more relaxed and frequent.  

Trees and plantings include: 

Nothofagus – Native Beech, Pittosporum tenuifolium, PodocarpusTotara tree, Pseudopanax – Native Five finger & Lancewood, Sophora Molloyi kowhai trees NZ Native

Exotic Deciduous & Evergreens including, Acers – Ornamental Canadian & Japanese Maples, Arbutus – Strawberry Tree, Azara – Evergreen Vanilla Tree, Cedrus – Evergreen Himalayan Cedar, Gleditsia – Honey Locust, Liquidambar – Sweet gum, Malus – Flowering Crabapple, Prunus – Flowering Cherries & Prunus lusitanica – Evergreen Portuguese Laurel, Ulmus ‘Louis van Houtte’ – Golden Elm