King’s Birthday & Winter 2024 Catalogue

Grey shades picture of a frozen leaf

What to do with an extra day off? The problem with the King’s Birthday is that it falls on the first Monday in June, as has been the case since its introduction in 1937. This means the weather is often less than ideal. The current forecast would certainly point to a day that suggests a need to light the fire, boil the jug and get settled in for a bit of forced (but very welcome) relaxation (our apologies to those still working – we shall salute you with a steaming mug of hot chocolate).

That all being said, the timing this year is quite exquisite, because we’ve just released the Winter 2024 Catalogue. It’s a perfect accompaniment to dreary days, allowing the mind to wander to that place where day dreams begin to take over, and every turned page seems to have you lost in thought for a moment, before turning to the next.

Photo: Easy Big Trees Nursery, May 2024.

Send us a message to request your copy: [email protected]. Of course, it’ll be a bit too late for the King’s Birthday relaxation. On that note, we should also mention we’ll be closed for the King’s Birthday, back on deck on Tuesday 4th of June.

Winter 2024 Catalogue cover page
Ilex altaclerensis Hendersonii, Smooth Leaf Holly red berries closeup

Finally, before we go, we do have a tree of the week for you. It’s known as the Smooth Leaf Holly and we’ve chosen it because it has a certain formal grace and beauty that’s quite suited to the occasion. It’s very popular in Britain at the moment, where it’s no doubt enjoying much better weather, as are those planting it. Still, we can dream…

Photo: ILEX altaclerensis Hendersonii – Smooth Leaf Holly Autumn red berries.

ILEX altaclerensis Hendersonii – Smooth Leaf Holly

This holly’s smooth, dark-green leaves shine in the sunlight, sometimes making the colour appear lighter and adding a reflective texture to a landscape. Small, white flowers herald the beginning of Spring but will wilt and give way to clusters of bright red berries in Autumn. Note – this is a sterile varietal and won’t reproduce. They’ll be no heir for this King’s birthday choice.

– Hardy, suitable for feature, screening and topiary planting
– Evergreen, grows to 4x2m

Photo: ILEX altaclerensis Hendersonii – Smooth Leaf Holly in 35L container, 1.8m height, 5+ years old

Testimonial from Dale, an Easy Big Trees customer from Alexandra.