George’s tree of the month: ULMUS parvifolia – Chinese Elm

This week we’d like to introduce you to another member of the team. He goes by the name of George and works as Sales & Nursery Support. So… George, meet everyone. Everyone, meet George.

George Lodge photo at Easy Big Trees.

George has a long background in sales, from management to gym and everything in-between. This might not necessarily sound like an ideal mix for working at a nursery, yet we can assure you it is.  For a start, it means George knows all about the importance of knowing what people want and creating solid foundations and plants need those too. It also means he’s rather fit, so he can cover lots of ground on any given day. This is important considering George has quite an amazing ability to get lost amongst the trees.  

A family man with a love of sports, when George isn’t keeping his green fingers active at work they can be found curled around dumbbells at the gym. Despite the proclivity for getting lost, he always finds his way back to us every Monday, which we’re assuming means he enjoys work.

George can also find his favourite tree, which is…

Ulmus parvifolia - Chinese Elm tree in Invercargill CBD, supplied by Easy Big Trees and a trunk close up

It’s the tree trunk that draws you in. When the bark ages, turning from brown to more of a grey, it begins to peel away from the trunk, revealing a fruity orange colour.

That tree trunk and branch structure is something to behold too, which is why the Chinese Elm is a favourite for street and avenue planting.

Finely serrated leaves change colour from a medium green in Summer to a golden hue in Autumn, completing a tree that’s hardy and known to flourish anywhere.

Photo: ULMUS parvifolia – Chinese Elm in 35-45Lt container, 2.5m+ height, 5+ years old.


Banner with photos of Ulmus parvifolia - Chinese Elm trees in Queenstown, Central Otago.
Testimonial from Nathan, an Easy Big Trees happy customer from Invercargill.