The arrival of brisk weather has certainly served to punctuate the changing of the season. Morning’s have a bite about them, afternoons are not nearly as warm as they were, and the evenings seem to arrive before the afternoon is finished.
This raises precisely two questions. Firstly, is it ok to enjoy a hot chocolate with lunch? Secondly, is winter good for pruning fruit trees?
We can answer the first question. It is perfectly ok to enjoy a hot chocolate with lunch. In fact, we highly recommend it. As to the second question, we’ll let Harry answer that…
Harry’s Tree Pick - LIQUIDAMBAR styraciflua ‘Gumball’
Sometimes known as the Sweet Gum Ball, it was first discovered in Tennessee in 1965. We imagine the name comes from the pom-pom-like crown that occurs naturally (although it can be finished off with a little bit of pruning in winter). Mid-green through spring and into summer, those maple like leaves are dense, with this soft, fluffy appearance as they gently point downwards.
The Greenish flowers which appear in spring will eventually turn to spherical green fruits in winter, although they are largely inconspicuous. What is noticeable is the show that arrives in Autumn and plays out for an extended period. The shades of yellow, red and burgundy are spectacular and they last until finally falling in mid-winter.
The nature of this tree lends itself to use as a feature pair to form a colourful entrance way and as a specimen tree or in groups, where it can be used to soften a landscape to good effect. A great alternative to the Robinia Moptop with its autumn colour often holding right through winter
Key Characteristics of ‘Gumball’:
✔ Deciduous
✔ Smaller growing dwarf tree
✔ Long-lasting autumn colour, holding foliage well into winter.
✔ Forms a tidy rounded shape
✔ Ideal feature tree
✔ Yellow, red, to burgundy autumn colour
- Gumball - “ the name comes from the pom-pom like crown that occurs naturally ”
Established Liquidambar ‘Gumball’ in a residential garden.