Invercargill City Centre New Streetscape

If you’ve not been to Invercargill for a while then you might notice the city centre has changed a bit. The new shopping mall and upgrades to Don and Esk Streets have revitalised the CBD and breathed new life into an area that needed it. Yet the character of the landscape has not been diminished and is still distinctly ‘Invercargarian’, full of stoicism and representative of the coastal environment and hard-working settlers who made it home.

Shrubs and trees supplied by Easy Big Trees in front of Invercargill Central, the new mall.

The streetscapes of Don and Esk streets use a mixture of natives and exotics to cleverly retain the friendly, small-town feel of Invercargill. It’s modern, but it’s also grounded in the attitude of a city where strangers still smile at each other and say hello.

A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees supplied by Easy Big Trees in Esk Street.

The trees used all match the location perfectly, like PODOCARPUS totara – NZ Native Totara Tree, with its love of the wind and ability to weather any storm. Or the QUERCUS cerris -Turkey Oak (top photo), a tree of opposites that appears shiny and tough but has a soft underbelly. You can read more about the changes to Invercargill and the plants used here.

Easy Big Trees creating a world of beauty on Esk Street.
Shrubs and trees supplied by Easy Big Trees in front of The Langlands.

If you enjoy reading those words, then you might enjoy these in the Business South magazine article on Invercargill Central too. Then you can watch the video below with George, from our Sales & Nursery Support team, showcasing some of the trees featured on Esk Street.

Harry Winter planting tips: One way to keep your hands warm in Winter is to keep them busy with some planting! It might sound like a strange time to do this but we’re operating on nature’s timeline here, and nature is making sure the soil is moist, while keeping bugs and plant diseases at bay. Your new plants will appreciate the time getting used to their new home before Spring kicks in.
Harry Winter Fruit Tree Pruning Tips: It's true alright. Some work now will reap a bountiful harvest next Summer, when you really do get to enjoy the fruits of your labour. The key is to stick to the 3 D's of pruning, getting rid of anything that's dead, diseased or damaged. Go about your work on a dry day and wear a few layers, so you can take them off as needed. Different fruit trees need to be pruned slightly differently but in general, just remember to not get too carried away. Trimming back by about 20% is a good rule of thumb.
Testimonial from Aaron, Easy Big Trees customer from Invercargill: "Your friendly and approachable staff helped me to decide to buy from Easy Big Trees."