Heritage Edition No.12 – Dunedin’s historic George Street

Dunedin George Street works.

Photos: ZELKOVA serrata – Japanese Elm from Harrisons Heritage Collection, in a 1000L container, 6m, 15+ years old, same as supplied above shown in both Autumn colour and Summer foliage.

Whilst we are on this nostalgic bend and dipping into history, a few years before that first George Street shop opened, Richmond Harrison started the company you now know as Easy Big Trees.

Historic editions of the Harrisons Tree & Shrubs catalogues, including the Winter Catalogue from 1962.

The name Harrison lives on with the Harrison’s Heritage Collection. You’ll also see it on more than a few email signatures. Which sort of leads us to the tree detailed below (we know – it’s a very tenuous segway but you can blame the croissant consumed when composing these words).

The Japanese Elm is a favourite Harrisons Heritage Tree (they are all favourites but some are more favoured than others – to borrow a little from George Orwell) and this example is liked for the wonderful canopy shape that stands it apart…

I enjoy having someone I can phone at Easy Big Trees to discuss and I have done for many years. Thank you for your great trees and service. Testimonial from Barbara, Easy Big Trees client from Dunedin.