Autumn is show season for the ACER – Maples, a large genus from the family Sapindaceae. These are the types of trees that represent Autumn in the romantic ideals of our minds. Trees to bring colour to the approaching cold, silently telling us it’s time to reintroduce ourselves to hats and scarves for the next few months. Trees that act as a backdrop to early morning conversations punctuated by plumes of ‘smoke’ from exhaled breath.
Here’s a few of our favourites.
ACER – Maples, Grove planting – Millbrook Golf Course
ACER campestre - Field Maple
ACER campestre – Field Maple 35lt container @ 2.5m+ (measured from top of bag) (approx 5-7 year old)
Also available in:
80lt container @ 3.5m+ (measured from top of bag)
The only Maple native to the United Kingdom. With a well-rounded, bushy crown it’s often used as a windbreak. The small leaves with rounded lobes turn a refreshing lemon yellow in Autumn, adding fizz and vitality to a time of year when greying skies can dull the landscape. It prefers moist yet well drained soils and is tolerant of strong winds. Ideal for coastal locations.
This is one of those maples, with its 5 lobed leaves, that truly captivates as summer gives way to Autumn. The lush green first lightens to yellow, before taking on a fiery red appearance. The full, rounded crown is quick to grow and it makes for an excellent shade tree. Hardy and deciduous, the Norway Maple is tolerant of dry conditions and will grow to 8 -12m +
Above: Woodland area of assorted Maples, ACER platanoides – Norway Maple, ACER rubrum – Canadian Maple.
ACER platanoides - Norway Maple
ACER platanoides 400lt container @ 5-6m+ (measured from top of bag (approx 12-15 year old)
Also available in:
12lt container @ 2m+ (measured from top of bag)
35lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag)
ACER palmatum - Japanese Maple
ACER palmatum – Japanese Maple 80lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag) approx 8-10 year old
Also available in:
35lt container @ 2.5-3m+ (measured from top of bag)
135lt container @ 3.5m+ (measured from top of bag)
Small and graceful, this is an excellent feature tree. That fine Autumn colour quickly becomes a talking point for passers-by, as they take in the shades of yellow, orange and crimson.
ACER palmatum 'Osakazuki' - Japanese Maple
ACER palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ – Japanese Maple 35lt container @ 2m+ (measured from top of bag) approx 5-7 year old
Also available in: 80lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag)
This smaller maple offers the most intense Autumn display. The fiery scarlet is almost unnatural in appearance and lasts for a considerable period of time. If you want to add some drama to your Autumnal outlook, then this smaller deciduous maple is perfect. Grows to 3x3m.
ACER palmatum 'Viridis' - Weeping Green Japanese Maple
ACER palmatum ‘Viridis’ – Weeping Green Japanese Maple 35lt container, 1m std @ 1.2m+ (measured from top of bag) approx 5-7 year old
A dwarf, green maple, it has a wonderful cascading form which produces this softened aesthetic for a gentle, inviting appearance. Its Autumn show introduces shades of yellow and orange to the deeply lobed and finely serrated leaves. Deciduous, grows to 1 x 1m
ACER rubrum - Canadian Maple
A very popular and fast growing Maple, it’s notable for an ascending branch habit and shades of scarlet and crimson in Autumn. It has a dense, oval canopy with leaves that hold the colour for several weeks before falling to colour any garden or pavement. Dry and cold tolerant, the deciduous Canadian Maple will grow up to 10m.
Above: ACER rubrum – Canadian Maple, as shown in Millbrook, Queenstown
ACER rubrum ‘Jeffers Red’ – Canadian Maple 60lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag) approx 8-10 year old
Also available in: 12lt container @ 1.8m+ (measured from top of bag)
35lt container @ 3m+ (measured from top of bag)