Spring Blossoms

The reasons for liking Spring are many and varied. Daylight hours slowly grow in a kind of post-hibernation stretch, a gentle waking of the senses as the birdsong arrives, a charming chorus as we ready ourselves for the day ahead. Fresh air flows, revitalising our senses and our moods, and as we readily absorb more Vitamin D we also absorb the regenerative nature of Spring and excitedly make plans for warmer days to come.

Prunus - Cherry Trees in full blossom, flowers close up.

The above is likely the same for most folk, and if we were to make a list of what we like about Spring, the fresh air, birdsong, more abundant daylight and sense of optimism, probably all feature highly. But let’s throw another in there – falling snow. 

We know what you’re thinking – falling snow has no place in Spring. Only it does. Not only that, it specifically has a place in your garden. We should explain…

PRUNUS subhirtella ‘Falling Snow’ – Weeping Cherry

This is the falling snow we think should be welcomed to every garden during Spring. A weeping cherry, Spring brings the most incredible profusion of blush pink-white and, as the name suggests, snow white flowers.

They cascade down like a gentle snowfall that has been paused, affording you an opportunity to take in its wonders. 

– Deciduous, tidy cherry
– Suitable for feature planting
– Can grow up to 2x 3 metres

Photo: PRUNUS subhirtella ‘Falling Snow’ – Weeping Cherry in 45L container, 1.8m height, 5+ years old. Also available in 30L and 135L container. leo.

Beautiful Prunus subhirtella 'Falling Snow'- Weeping Cherry Trees in Arrowtown.
Falling Snow - Weeping Cherry Tree in a house front yard in Queenstown, Summer photo.

If you prefer something a little more upstanding in spring and you’re not taken by the charm of ‘Falling Snow’, then there’s a ready-made alternative…

PRUNUS ‘Mountain Haze’ – White Blossom

The Spring blossom of this cherry fills a dome shaped-top. In contrast to ‘falling snow’, it’s pert and alert, a more energetic blossom that seemingly imbibes the vitality of Spring. It has a delightfully deep pink centre and a pleasing visual depth.

It’s a tree that comes alive in spring and makes you straighten your back a little, ready for the fun of Summer. Autumn shades of orange, red and yellow prove most fetching, especially the burnt orange as it stands out against greying skies.

– Hardy deciduous
– Suitable for avenue, group or specimen planting
– Can grow up to 4×5 m.

Photo: PRUNUS Mountain Haze – White Blossom in 45L container, 2m height, 5+ years old. Also available in 135L and 300L container.

Spring and Summer images of Prunus Mountain Haze - White Blossom Trees supplied by Easy Big Trees to create a world of beauty at Links Gate, Arrowtown.
Mountain Haze - White Blossom trees from Harrisons Heritage Collection, 400L, 12+ years old.
Testimonial from Rachel, Easy Big Trees customer from Marlborough.
Harry's Tree Care Tips: Spring is the ideal time to fertilise.
Harry's Tree Care Tips: Spring planting. It's a great time for planting as warmth is creeping into the soil and those Spring showers make sure there's enough moisture for establishment.